A business unit dedicated exclusively to wine estates
After accruing 15 years of experience in the luxury real estate sector, Lucas Fox is creating its own department devoted to vineyard properties, accompanied by Marc Escassut who, as an authority figure in the French and international wine industry, makes the perfect partner for this project.
Our primary objective is to help you find your ideal property and offer guidance on the road to success in this sector which is steeped in passion and traditions.
Because there is a huge difference between a vineyard that produces 50,000 bottles and a winery that produces a million, we are here to guide you on all aspects of your business.
Wine Consultancy
LUCAS FOX | LES GRANDS DOMAINES was born with the mission of advising investors on all aspects related to the cultivation of vineyards and helping wine-loving clients make their dreams come true.
This includes the study of investment projects and objectives, needs analysis, legal and technical framework, vineyard and enological audits. We accompany you as an expert and independent partner, providing advice, assistance and support in the overall management of your project, from the vineyard to the winery, as well as specific knowledge regarding wine tourism.
"Thanks to our extensive experience in all areas of the wine industry, our knowledge of the market and the strength of our relationships with our clients and suppliers, we can assist you in the purchase of vineyards, wineries and estates."
Vineyard Consultancy
We carry out a precise analysis to select the most suitable vines and terrains, to make sure you obtain the best results in your vineyard. Selecting those varieties that are best prepared for climate change and managing irrigation and natural resources, we create the perfect atmosphere for an optimal level of production.
Winemaking Consultancy
Our knowledge in the winemaking process and in the choice of machinery will optimise all oenological processes of the winery.
We will be involved in all operational processes, including harvest, winemaking, training and management of winery staff.Wine Sales and Marketing Strategy
We will work on a business plan, to coordinate the various stakeholders and to manage the action plan over long periods (3 to 5 years) together with an investment strategy to develop commercial prospects, ensuring the viability and profitability of your company over time.
We have an in-depth knowledge of the global wine scene, both with regards to production and commercialization. Therefore, we can also advise you on your international strategy and where to direct your exports.Wine Business Management and Financial Aspects
Depending on development targets, it is essential to establish a business plan for the short, medium and long term, to study its feasibility with the resources in place and plan means and investment. This study requires a representative vision of the business, with the different actions and transactions directly related to agricultural activity or wine-producing.
We intervene from the valuation and advice for the selling party to the audit for the purchasing party (with total confidentiality for both parties).
We accompany you as an expert and independent partner, providing advice, assistance and support in the overall management of your wine project, from the vineyard to the winery, as well as specific knowledge regarding wine tourism.

Vineyards for Sale in Spain and France
Whether you are an investor looking for a profitable business or a wine lover who wants a property where you can enjoy your passion, our experts will advise you throughout the transaction, from finding the property that best suits your needs to the production and marketing of wine.
We manage all real estate activity related to wine estates, rural estates, residences, mansions, farms, annex buildings, forest estates or hunting reserves.
"The dream of buying your very own vineyard may not be as distant as you think. Affordable country estates with vines and wine-making production facilities can be discovered in some of France's and Spain's most beautiful regions."